Thursday, February 5, 2009

New teacher Essay( Social Studies )

My name is Kaleia Wingfield and I'm in the 8Th grade. I am writing this essay to inform the new teacher about the type of student I am. Next what I expect from the new teacher. Lastly, about how Social Studies help me in this world. These are things I will talk about and how I wish things could go when the new teacher come.

The first main point I will discuss is what I expect from the new teacher. I expect him or her to tell us students the truth about the world. I would also like if he or she is kind. This teacher would be wonderful if they put a little humor into the work they teach us.

Secondly, the type of student I am an all A and B student. With an exception for maybe one C. I am respectful to every and any adult. I also treat others the way I wanted to be treated. I like to help others when they need help. I consider my self as a good citizen to the community I live in. Thats the type of student I am.\

Lastly, social studies helps me in this world alot. I say this because it helps me know things that me and my family own were made and came about. Also the reason it was invented. Usually the answer to that is because someone wanted to modify nature. Social Studies tells me things about our history.

in conclusion, I just want a teacher who is kind. they should have a little humor inside them. And they should use it during teaching their lessons. I would love also love for the teacher to teach me and the other students some new stuff. In other words I can't wait for the new teacher to arrive!

1 comment:

Mukasa Afrika Ma'at said...

Focus less on the length of the essay and more on sufficiently and accurately answering your agreements and disagreements with the policies.