Monday, February 23, 2009

Oratorical Contest Finals: Essay

In my opinion of the oratorical contest is just one word that describes it.......FUN!
As a finalist in this event, I could say participating was kind of hard to do in front of a big crowd. But one way I concord my fear of performing my Non-original Speech in front of the audience, was to remember that most of the people in there I knew and if this was something I really wanted to accomplish, then I should over come my fear of performing in front of a big crowd. All the other participants did a fantastic job at performing. Even those who was just in a group presentation. I thank everyone who came, and also the people that made this event possible for the 28th year. At the end, they announced the places of the finalist. Furthermore, I won 2nd place and I'm proud of my self. First place, second, third or fourth, I'm glad I made it to the finals.

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