Monday, June 8, 2009

Final ROP essay

My name is Kaleia Wingfield and I am in class 8-2. And I am an official Rights of Passage student. I will be writing 3 paragraphs on what i learned in Rights of Passage, and how it benefited me. I will end the body, which is 3 paragraphs with a 1 paragraph conclusion!
Firstly, I found out more about my ancestor Mildred B. Cross, then I ever knew about her. This benefited me in many ways. The first thing is, I now have more respect for this type of topic. Another thing is I learned was about John Garang. I benefited from this a lot. It tought me that fighting for others rights as others, that are the same as yours makes you more of a better person.
Secondly, I found out about Assata Shakur. This benefited

Monday, May 18, 2009

Essay Article: To Be Afrikan

The essay I read is entitled " To Be Afrikan " By: Dr. Marimba Ani. I will be writing a 5 paragraph response about the essay. The first paragraph is the Introduction, 3 main points, and the conclusion. I will be using the 3 main points to answer a question; Accoording to Dr. Marimba Ani, What does it mean to be African? I will answer this in the following 3 paragraphs.
First, Dr. Marimba Ani stated "We are an African people". He said this means that there are values, traditions and a heritage that we share because we have a common origin. I agree with this 100 percent, because common origin can bring us together especially with values, traditions and our heritage backing it up.
Secondly, Dr. Marimba Ani states that "We our People of African ancestry living in denial". This was stated because Dr. Marimba Ani thinks we have lost our stregnth as people. I believe this also, because he said "we are losing our children to a system that miseducate them". Our families are disintegrating before our eyes.
Thirdly, Dr. Marimba Ani thinks being African means believing oneness and unity. Also it unites the past, present and the future. being African means a whole lot but he also stated slowly we are awakning for the for the need to claim our cultural legacy.
In conclusion, this essay says being African basically means, oneness(with your self), unity(with others), values(with friends and family), traditions(with friends and family) and heritage(with family). This is what Dr. Marimba Ani meant by being African.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Anti leader ESSAY

1. Biographical information on the leader's life (names, dates, people, places, etc.)
2. Culturally identifying information on the leader such as nation or ethnic group, language, traditions, etc.
3. The history of the leader's struggle against oppression, colonization, racism, etc.
4. Historical information on the country where the leader fought and struggled.
5. Information on organizations or groups that the leader started (founded) or participated in.
6. Information on books, speeches, and/or writings by the leader.
7. Your thoughts on the contributions of the leader.

Your essay's research will be graded on the above criteria and on grammatical content.
Some of the many Anti-colonial leaders which you may use are Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Winnie and/or Nelson Mandela of South Afrika, Partice Lumumba of Congo, Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Graca Machel of the Mozambique, Sirleaf Johnson of Liberia, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, Augostino Neto of Angola, Samora Machel of Mozambique, Amilcar Cabral of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde, Haille Sellassie of Ethiopia, and Sam Nujoma of Namibia.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Oratorical Contest Finals: Essay

In my opinion of the oratorical contest is just one word that describes it.......FUN!
As a finalist in this event, I could say participating was kind of hard to do in front of a big crowd. But one way I concord my fear of performing my Non-original Speech in front of the audience, was to remember that most of the people in there I knew and if this was something I really wanted to accomplish, then I should over come my fear of performing in front of a big crowd. All the other participants did a fantastic job at performing. Even those who was just in a group presentation. I thank everyone who came, and also the people that made this event possible for the 28th year. At the end, they announced the places of the finalist. Furthermore, I won 2nd place and I'm proud of my self. First place, second, third or fourth, I'm glad I made it to the finals.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Barack Obama's Stimulus Package

1. In general, what is the Stimulus Package and its overall purpose to the economy? Why is the Stimulus necessary? (see both videos).
The Stimulus Package is what was used to get the U.S out of times like recession and to keep the U.S from going to Depression. The stimulus Package is necessary because without it it the U.S would be chaotic. People will start hurting themselves, or others, just because they do not have any money to survive . They will also try to rob peoples money, 'cause they don't have any. I believe this Package is necessary because this will keep the U.S in order. And personally, I would like it to stay in order.

2. What are the agreements and disagreements (with Democrats, Republicans, and others) around the Stimulus Package? What are President Obama's counter arguments in this debate? (see both videos)
Some agreements with Democrats, Republicans, and others around the Stimulus Package is thinking about the past generations of America have done in prime times, we can and must turn this moment of challenge into one opportunity. Another idea agreed with is to put America to work, for work that needs to be done. For example, Modernizing our health care system, because it saves countless lives, and reduce medical errors(mistakes). Also will put people to work, renovating more than 10,000 schools. Also House Democrats rolled out some details of an $825 billion economic stimulus package to combat what they called " a crisis not seen since the great depression.

3. What are the spending details of the Economic Package? How will it create jobs? In other words, where and how will the money be spent? (see article)
The details of the Economic package is that this package calls for $550 billion in new spending and $275 billion in tax relief, will soon be changed as the bill works it's way through congress. The program that Mr. Obama is being replenished as Bank of America Corp. was near an agreement with U.S officials that would provide it with $115 billion to $20 billion of fresh capital. This plan would be equivalent to about 3% of gross domestic product over 2 years.

4. What are some other areas of the Package that President Obama emphasized in both speeches on the youtube CNN speeches? (both videos)
Barack Obama mentioned that the package is not going to be absolutely perfect but you can nit and pick, because it's the game that we all play, but now we can't afford to play this game. He says, some stuff people would like to happen, won't. And that all of us will have to sacrifice our choices.

5. Do you feel that this package will help Afrikan Americans and if so how? Do you feel that racism and/or gender bias will make a difference in the output or results of the package? Explain. (your opinion)
Yes, I do feel that this package will help African Americans just as much as any other race. But also on how other races use the money as well. Not just how it will help African Americans(one race) in particular because some other races might have different uses for the money.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Barack Obama Civil Rights Policy

I have few agreements with the civil rights, these agreements are, the expand hate crimes Statutes. Obama is supporting the LGBT Community. Now something I disagree with is Obama supporting full civil unions that give same-sex couples legal rights and privileges equal to those of married couples. I disagree because if they decide to adopt a kid they will teach their adopted child how to be like them.
Also, President Obama believes that we must ensure adoption rights for all couples and individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation. He thinks that a child will benefit from a healthy and loving home, whether the parents are gay or not. This here I totally disagree with. This is said because it will get worse and worse.
Something else I agree with is, President Obama introduced the Microbicide Development Act, which will accelerate the development of products that empower women in the battle against AIDS. Microbicides are a class of products currently under development that women apply topically to prevent transmission of HIV and other infections.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Parental Blog Check

I am Je'Netta Wingfield, the mother of Kaleia Wingfield. The first thing I spotted was
the way my daughter worded her assignments. Secondly, the fact that the students are able to
trace back their ancestors. I think it gives the students opportunity to learn where they came from.
Thirdly, I think it keeps the students motivated to learn something new. I appreciate what you
( M. Mukasa) are doing with the students. I would like to see more from Kaleia. Thank you for
explaining the importance of these subjects. It's wonderful that you are doing this with the students.
Thank you again!!