Monday, June 8, 2009

Final ROP essay

My name is Kaleia Wingfield and I am in class 8-2. And I am an official Rights of Passage student. I will be writing 3 paragraphs on what i learned in Rights of Passage, and how it benefited me. I will end the body, which is 3 paragraphs with a 1 paragraph conclusion!
Firstly, I found out more about my ancestor Mildred B. Cross, then I ever knew about her. This benefited me in many ways. The first thing is, I now have more respect for this type of topic. Another thing is I learned was about John Garang. I benefited from this a lot. It tought me that fighting for others rights as others, that are the same as yours makes you more of a better person.
Secondly, I found out about Assata Shakur. This benefited

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