Monday, May 18, 2009

Essay Article: To Be Afrikan

The essay I read is entitled " To Be Afrikan " By: Dr. Marimba Ani. I will be writing a 5 paragraph response about the essay. The first paragraph is the Introduction, 3 main points, and the conclusion. I will be using the 3 main points to answer a question; Accoording to Dr. Marimba Ani, What does it mean to be African? I will answer this in the following 3 paragraphs.
First, Dr. Marimba Ani stated "We are an African people". He said this means that there are values, traditions and a heritage that we share because we have a common origin. I agree with this 100 percent, because common origin can bring us together especially with values, traditions and our heritage backing it up.
Secondly, Dr. Marimba Ani states that "We our People of African ancestry living in denial". This was stated because Dr. Marimba Ani thinks we have lost our stregnth as people. I believe this also, because he said "we are losing our children to a system that miseducate them". Our families are disintegrating before our eyes.
Thirdly, Dr. Marimba Ani thinks being African means believing oneness and unity. Also it unites the past, present and the future. being African means a whole lot but he also stated slowly we are awakning for the for the need to claim our cultural legacy.
In conclusion, this essay says being African basically means, oneness(with your self), unity(with others), values(with friends and family), traditions(with friends and family) and heritage(with family). This is what Dr. Marimba Ani meant by being African.